2000 Volkswagen Passat Owner's Manual

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2000 Volkswagen Passat Owner's Manual

On this page you can view owner's manual for the car 2000 Volkswagen Passat, also you can download it in PDF for free.

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Also if you have not found the information you need or a solution to the problem for your 2000 Volkswagen Passat car, we advise you to look at the manuals for other years. The model began to be produced in 1973. Initially they wanted to produce it with the index 511. However, after it was named after the wind, which changes the climatic conditions on Earth. 2000 Volkswagen Passat on the market similar to the Passat are the Toyota Camry, the Hyundai Sonata.

The new eighth generation Passat B8 is built on the innovative MQB platform. The handling of the car has become significantly better, despite the fact that the design of the suspension has not changed. The 2000 Volkswagen Passat model in this generation have three body types - it is a sedan, a station wagon and an all-wheel drive Passat Alltrack. The body design moves the Passat into a business class car. There are not only mechanically adjustable armchairs, but also electronic ones. There is a modern climate control system. The safety assessment of this model is rated at 85% of marginal values in crash-tests. Passat B8 can boast a variety of engines in different configurations. There are a total of 10 different options for both gasoline and diesel engines. The power output of which ranges from 120 to 280 horsepower.

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Posted by: author Dimitri Shtreicher
Enthusiast and big cars lover!
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