2012 Volkswagen Jetta Owner's Manual

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2012 Volkswagen Jetta Owner's Manual

On this page you can view owner's manual for the car 2012 Volkswagen Jetta, also you can download it in PDF for free.

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Also if you have not found the information you need or a solution to the problem for your 2012 Volkswagen Jetta car, we advise you to look at the manuals for other years. The base car for the development of the 2012 Volkswagen Jetta was the Volkswagen Golf. The difference from the hatchback Golf is the sedan body type. It has been produced since 1979. During the existence of this model, seven generations have been produced.

The latest generation was presented at Detroit. And for the first time, the model was completely different from the Golf. The basis of the design was the updated MQB platform. Such cars as Å koda Octavia, SEAT Ateca, etc. are built on it. In terms of dimensions the Jetta 7 is slightly larger than its predecessor. The trunk capacity remains the same - 510 liters. The interior is made of genuine leather (in order to keep the price policy on the Jetta).

This 2012 Volkswagen Jetta with a very high safety class. So there is a built-in BAS system - additional braking system, anti-skid TSC and many other innovative devices. In different models there is a choice of 2 petrol engines. The first is 1.4 liter with 150 horsepower. The second - 1.6 liter, 110 hp.

We also have owner's manuals for other vehicle years:

Posted by: author Dimitri Shtreicher
Enthusiast and big cars lover!
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