2013 Volkswagen Beetle Owner's Manual

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2013 Volkswagen Beetle Owner's Manual

On this page you can view owner's manual for the car 2013 Volkswagen Beetle, also you can download it in PDF for free.

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Also if you have not found the information you need or a solution to the problem for your 2013 Volkswagen Beetle car, we advise you to look at the manuals for other years. This car was in production and on sale from 1938 to 2003. This legendary 2013 Volkswagen Beetle model was produced in the amount of 21,529,464 cars. It went down in history as one of the best-selling cars. The unofficial German name is KΓ€fer in translation "Beetle".

The most popular model of 1963 had a four-speed gearbox. The engine power was very small, only 40 horsepower. It took an impressive 35 seconds to reach 100 km. But this engine was notable for ease of repair and economy. "Beetle" was a cult model in the sixties. It was associated with the hippie movement. On the cover of the most popular Beatles album, was this very car. Took fourth place as the most influential car of the 20th century, according to an international poll.

The Beetle often appeared in the cinema of the 20th century. The current cost of the 2013 Volkswagen Beetle car on various resources starts from 900 dollars. Models with converted leather interior can be found on sale.

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Posted by: author Dimitri Shtreicher
Enthusiast and big cars lover!
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