2008 Volkswagen Golf Plus Owner's Manual

On this page you can view owner's manual for the car 2008 Volkswagen Golf Plus, also you can download it in PDF for free.
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Also if you have not found the information you need or a solution to the problem for your 2008 Volkswagen Golf Plus car, we advise you to look at the manuals for other years. 2008 Volkswagen Golf Plus car is based on the Volkswagen Golf of the fifth generation. Production was from 2005 to 2014. The body type of the model is a minivan. Visual similarity with the Kia Venga, Ford B-Max. The technical parameters are also similar to the above models.
This model is 9.5 centimetres higher than the Golf V. The front and rear have also been redesigned. The front panel is raised higher and there are four pairs of air deflectors. Subsequently, the Volkswagen Tiguan began to do the same. There was more space in the cabin. The rigidity of the suspension was increased in order to keep the handling of the fifth Golf, which was the benchmark. The CrossGolf is a version of the Golf Plus that is an SUV. There are two options for the 1.6-liter and 1.4-liter gasoline engine.
We also have owner's manuals for other vehicle years:
- 2014 Volkswagen Golf Plus
- 2013 Volkswagen Golf Plus
- 2012 Volkswagen Golf Plus
- 2011 Volkswagen Golf Plus
- 2010 Volkswagen Golf Plus
- 2009 Volkswagen Golf Plus
- 2007 Volkswagen Golf Plus
- 2006 Volkswagen Golf Plus
- 2005 Volkswagen Golf Plus
- 2004 Volkswagen Golf Plus
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