2008 Volkswagen Tiguan Owner's Manual

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2008 Volkswagen Tiguan Owner's Manual

On this page you can view owner's manual for the car 2008 Volkswagen Tiguan, also you can download it in PDF for free.

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Also if you have not found the information you need or a solution to the problem for your 2008 Volkswagen Tiguan car, we advise you to look at the manuals for other years. Production of the car Tiguan began in 2007. It is a crossover, distinguished by its compactness. It is produced in the German city of Wolfsburg. The 2008 Volkswagen Tiguan is a relatively young car model and there are only two generations.

In Europe, the second generation began its sales in 2015. In 2016, the car received the title of the safest. This is ensured by the electronic stabilization system, anti-lock brakes (with anti-skid system). New modifications of 2008 Volkswagen Tiguan include: rain sensor, the possibility of heated windows. Already in the basic configuration you can get a car with high technical characteristics. There will be a modern climate control system, fog lights, heated steering wheel and adjustable front heated seats. Gasoline and diesel engines are available. The petrol ones have a displacement of 1.4 to 2.0 liters. Power ranges from 125 to 220 horsepower. In the 2-liter diesel engines, power can range from 115 to 240 horsepower.

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Posted by: author Dimitri Shtreicher
Enthusiast and big cars lover!
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