2007 Volkswagen Eos Owner's Manual

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2007 Volkswagen Eos Owner's Manual

On this page you can view owner's manual for the car 2007 Volkswagen Eos, also you can download it in PDF for free.

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Also if you have not found the information you need or a solution to the problem for your 2007 Volkswagen Eos car, we advise you to look at the manuals for other years. The first prototype of this car was presented in 2003 in Frankfurt. Sales began much later in 2006. Production of the Eos ended in 2015. The model was assembled in the Portuguese city of Palmela. It is a coupe-cabriolet of compact size, sports-compact class.

The body type of this 2007 Volkswagen Eos car is two-door, designed for 4 seats. It is built on the PQ35 platform, as well as a similar Golf with a convertible top. Eos and is its successor. Golf was not a premium car, while Eos has not become a budget model. There are monitors in the headrests. The seats are covered with leather with ergonomic sides forks. Appearance and design of the 2007 Volkswagen Eos car is comparable with the Volkswagen Jetta. Headlight washers are built into the bumper. There are quality fog lights. Depending on the model and configuration can be gasoline engines ranging from 1.4 liters to 3.6. Diesel engines are available in 2 liters. In the 2007 Volkswagen Eos restyled models the engines have been tweaked and the power has been reduced. Due to this the fuel consumption has become minimal to 10 liters / 100 km in gasoline engines. In diesel engines the consumption is even less than 6 l/100 km. in urban mode.

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Posted by: author Dimitri Shtreicher
Enthusiast and big cars lover!
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